HOME | 48.Family crest of Yamauchi Kazutoyo

48.Family crest of Yamauchi Kazutoyo

3 oak leaves


Family crest of Yamauchi Kazutoyo


It's a family crest with 3 oak leaves drawn in a circle.
The Yamauchi family crest has oak leaves that are distinguishably thinner than oak leaves in other designs.

What is oak leaves?

  • Oak is a mysterious tree; even when it is classified as deciduous, it won’t lose leaves until new leaf buds come out. This led oaks to be regarded as good-luck trees that will continuously thrive through generations.


Castle's name that stamp this family crest

・Kochi castle(Kochi)
・Kakegawa castle(Shizuoka)

Yamauchi Kazutoyo

portrait of Yamauchi Kazutoyo
