HOME | 44.Family crest of Maeda Toshiie

44.Family crest of Maeda Toshiie

Plum blossom


Family crest of Maeda Toshiie


Plum blossoms bloom even during heavy snow season. Therefore, they are regarded as a symbol of endurance, nobility & integrity, and loved by Japanese from ancient times.

Plum blossoms for the Japanese

  • Cherry blossoms bloom in spring when it gets warm, but plum blossoms bloom in the cold season. Plums bloom even though it's still cold and snowy. That's what Japanese liked.
  • Plums that bloom even in the harsh environment of cold are regarded as a symbol of patience. In the past, cherry blossoms were not cherry blossoms but plums.
  • None of the famous warlords in the Sengoku period adopt the family crest of cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms fall quickly, so it was rather ominous. That's why samurai families didn't have a good impression.


Castle's name that stamp this family crest

・Takaoka castle(Toyama)

Maeda Toshiie

portrait of Maeda Toshiie
